Friday, December 2, 2016

শিড়ির পরিবর্তে র‍্যাম্প বা স্লোপ (ঢালু) যুক্ত ফূটওভার ব্রীজ! - ডা: শেখ আনোয়ার উল্লাহ্ খন্দকার আকাশ - খন্দকার লতিফা ইয়াসমীন (বি.এ.)  

শিড়ির পরিবর্তে র‍্যাম্প বা স্লোপ (ঢালু) যুক্ত ফূটওভার ব্রীজ !
- খন্দকার লতিফা ইয়াসমীন (বি.এ.) !
- ডা: শেখ আনোয়ার উল্লাহ্ খন্দকার আকাশ !

আমাদের দেশের মত উন্নয়নশীল দেশগুলোতে শড়ক দূর্ঘটনা ও ট্রাফিক আইন একটি বড় সমস্যা! অনেক সময় ফুটপাথ ও ফুটভারব্রীজ থাকা সত্ত্বেও পথচারীরা তা ব্যাবহার করতে অনিচ্ছুক থাকেন! জীবনের ঝুকি নিয়ে পথ চলাচল করতে গিয়ে দুর্ঘটনা ঘটা রেয়ার ঘটনা নয়, আবার রাস্তা পারাপারকারি পথচারী/সাইকেল আরোহীদের সেইভ করতে গিয়ে অন্যান্য যানবাহনের দুর্ঘটনায় আক্রান্ত হওয়াটাও আমাদের দেশে নতুন বা অস্বাভাবিক কিছু নয়!
প্রায় অসুস্থতাজনিত বা বার্ধক্যজনিত দুর্বলতার কারনে অনেক মুরুব্বী বা অসুস্থ পথচারীগন ফুটভার ব্রীজ ব্যাবহার করতে চান না! শিরি ভেঙে উঠলে ক্লান্ত হয়েযাবে কিংবা সময় বেশী লাগবে এই ভেবে অনেকেই বেশি ঝুকি নিয়েই রাস্তা পারাপার করেন! পঙ্গু বা প্রতিবন্ধী ও সাইকেল আরোহী ভাইয়েরা যেন আরো বেশী অসহায়! একজন সাইকেল বা হুইলচেয়ার আরোহী ও বাতের বেথায় আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তির জন্য ফুটওভারের শিরি ভাঙা অসম্ভব, আর ব্যস্ত সড়কের মাঝদিয়ে পারহওয়াটা স্রোতের বিপরিতে নৌকা চালানোর মতই কঠিন!
এখানে সাইকেল আরোহি লোকদের কথাটাও বলছি কারন রিক্সা বা বাসে চরার মত বাজেট নেই এমন অনেক ভাই-বোন আছেন যারা সাইকেল চালাতে আগ্রহী, কিন্তু বড় রাস্তার উগ্র ট্রাফিকের কারনে তাদেরকে অত্যন্ত ঝুকি নিয়ে চলাচল করতে হয়!

আমাদের দেশের কনভেনশনাল ফুটভার ব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথ গুলো অসুস্থ, বৃদ্ধ ও দুর্বল মানুষদের জন্য একেবারেই উপযোগী নয় আর বেশীরভাগ ড্রাইভার ভাইয়েরা অত্যন্ত ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ ড্রাইভিং করায় জেব্রাক্রসিং গুলোও একপ্রকার কোনোও কাজের থাকেনা!

শিরি ভেঙে উঠতে কারই বা কষ্ট না হয়! আর এরই জন্যে অনেকেই শিরি যুক্ত ফুটভারব্রীজে উঠতে চান না! বিশেষ করে বৃদ্ধ ও অসুস্থ লোকেরা ফুটওভারব্রীজ সবসময় এভয়েড করেন!

কনভেনসনাল ফুটপাথগুলোও ঠিক তাই!
এই সুউচ্চ ফুটপাথগুলোর দুইপ্রান্ত উঁচু শিরির ন্যায় হওয়ায় দীর্ঘক্ষন এইরকম ফুটপাথ দিয়ে চলাচল করলে ওই দুইপ্রান্ত বারবার উঠানামা করে যে কোনও সুস্থ ব্যক্তিও ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়বেন!
আর তাই পথচারীগন প্রায়ই ফুটপাত থাকা সত্তেও তা পরিহার করে ঝুকি নিয়েই রাস্তা দিয়ে হাটেন

এমতাবস্থায় আমাদের ফুটপাথ ও ফুটওভারব্রিজ গুলো এমন হতে হবে জেন উহা উঠে পার হওয়াটা অসুস্থ ও মুরুব্বী লোকদের জন্য মুশকিল না হয়ে দাঁড়ায়, আবার তাড়ায় আছেন এমন লোকেরা দ্রুত পার হতে পারেন, আবার হুইলচেয়ার ও সাইকেল আরোহী পথচারীরা বিশেষ করে সাইকেল আরোহী স্কুলগামী শিশুরা যাতে সহজেই পারহয়ে যেতে পারে!

ফুটপাথ ও ফুটভারব্রীজ গুলোর শিরি গুলোর বদলে যদি ঢালু র‍্যাম্প বা স্লোপের ব্যাবস্থা করা যায়, অর্থাৎ যেমনটি গাড়ির জন্য তৈরি ব্রীজ ও ওভারপাসগুলোতে থাকে তাহলে হয়ত এই সমস্যার অনেকটাই সমাধান হবে! (এখানে একটা বিশয় উল্লেখ্য যে মানুষজন রিলাক্স করার জন্য বা ঘুরে বেরানোর জন্যও প্রায়ই ফ্লাইওভার/ব্রীজের ওপরে উঠে, অথচ প্রয়জনের সময়ও ঝুকি নিয়ে রাস্তা পার হয় কিন্তু ফুটওভারব্রীজ ব্যাবহার করেনা! এর কারন হয়ত গাড়ির জন্য তৈরি র‍্যাম্পযুক্ত ব্রীজ/ফ্লাইওভারগুলো দেখতেও রিলাক্সিং আর চড়তেও আরাম!)

কিন্তু সুধু র‍্যাম্প থাকাটাই হয়ত যথেষ্ট হবেনা!
র‍্যাম্প গুলোতে যাতে মানুষ সহজে উঠেপড়তে পারে তার জন্য র‍্যাম্প গুলো যথা সম্ভব কম উচ্চতা তথা কম খাড়া হতে হবে!

(উল্লেখ্য যে যদি ফুটওভারব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথ দিয়ে সাইকেল ও হুইলচেয়ার নিয়ে চলাচল করা যায় তাহলে সড়কের উপর চাপ কমবে, রিক্সার উপর নির্ভরতা কমবে আর পথচারীগনও নিরাপদে ও সহজে চলাচল করতে পারবে!)

হুইল চেয়ার ও সাইকেলের জন্য যথেষ্ট চওড়া এবং রেলিং বিশিষ্ট হতে হবে! প্রয়োজনে রেলিং ধরে সাপোর্ট নেওয়া যায় এমন রেলিং হতে হবে!

রোদ ও বৃষ্টির জন্য ছাউনির ব্যাবস্থাও থাকবে!

সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যাপার হচ্ছে ফুটওভারব্রীজ দেখে পথচারীরা যাতে ভয় না পায়! অনেক সময় বিকট চেহারার ফুটভার ব্রীজ দেখে অনেক পথচারী উঠতেই সাহস পাননা, দেখেই জেন মনে হয় উঠতে গেলে ক্লান্ত ও অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ব! আবার ফুটওভারব্রীজ বিশাল বা অনেক দীর্ঘ বা জটিল আকৃতির হলে সেই ব্রীজ দেখলেই মনে হয় পার হতে হয়ত অনেক সময় লেগে যাবে আর আমি সময়মত পৌছাতে পারব না! এর জন্য ফুটওভারব্রীজ গুলো অতি সরল আকারের, দেখতে সুন্দর ও রিলাক্সিং হতে হবে যেন দেখে মনে হয় সহজে ও আরামে পার হওয়া যাবে!

"U"  আকৃতির বা আর্চ আকৃতির ব্রীজ হলে সেটা দেখতে সরল হবে! আর মনে হবে ব্রীজটি অতিদীর্ঘ নয় আর মনে হবে এটা পার হতে সহজ হবে! এবং তা পার হওয়া সহজই হবে!

উদাহরণ সরুপ হাতির ঝীলের এই ব্রীজটির কথা বলা যেতে পারে : -

আবার উদাহরন সরুপ রমনা পার্ক সংলগ্ন এই ব্রীজটির কথাও বলাযেতে পারে : -

সুধু ফুটওভারব্রীজই নয়, ফুটপাথ গুলোও হতে হবে পথিকবান্ধব!

একটি কনভেনশনাল ফুটপাথ, যা পথিকবান্ধব নয়!

একটি ফুটপাথ এমন হবে যে সেটির উচ্চতা মূল সড়কের লেভেলে হবে, অর্থাৎ ফুটপাথ আর সড়ক পরস্পর সমান সমতলে থাকবে! এতে করে বার বার শিরি আকৃতির উঁচু ফুটপাতে উঠানামা করতে হবে না, আর তা হলে তা ব্যাবহার অত্যন্ত সুবিধাজনক হবে!
আর তা ছাড়া যদি সাইকেল ও হুইল চেয়ার চালানোর ব্যাবস্থা থাকলে পথচারিরা বিশেষ করে অসুস্থ ও পঙ্গু পথচারিরা অনেক উপকৃত হবেন! সাইকেল চালানো গেলে উন্নত দেশগুলোর সাইকেল লেনের বিকল্প হতে পারে এই ফুটপাথ গুলো! আর তাহলে সড়কের উপর চাপ ও রিকশার উপর নির্ভরতা কমবে!

ফুটভারব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথ নিয়ে অভিযোগ এর আরেকটি বিষয় হল পরিচ্ছন্নতা! প্রায়ই দেখা যায় ফুটওভারব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথগুলো অপরিষ্কার আর এ নিয়ে অনেককে অভিযোগ করতেও দেখা যায়! আবার ফুটভারব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথগুলো অপরিষ্কার থাকায় অনেকে তা ব্যাবহার করতে চাননা!
তাই ফুটভারব্রীজ ও ফুটপাথগুলো এমন হতে হবে যেন খুব সহজেই তা পরিষ্কার করা ও রাখাযায়!

ব্রীজের দুইপাশে সমান্তরাল পজিশনে ড্রেন / নালা থাকবে ও পানির ব্যাবস্থা থাকবে যাতে সহজে পরিস্কার করা যায়!

আর ফুটপাথগুলোর নিচে থাকবে পানি ও ময়লা নিষ্কাসন ব্যাবস্থা!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

-Dr Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar Aakash;

In the recent years bank robbery, terrorist attacks and violence have become a major pain. In each incident large number of defence less civilians are subjected to the raw brutality. Despite all the efforts of the law enforcement and authorities and all the cctv cameras, loss of lives and problems in finding the criminals still happen a lot.

But what if the cctv cameras could do much more than just record videos? What if a special non lethal weapon was installed with the hidden camera, that could be controlled by a remote device and be used to disarm armed criminals and neutralize the threats.

A special type of non lethal gun could be installed within the cctv cameras. This gun could be rotated, positioned and fired using a remote control device and aimed using the views of the camera installed within the same system.
This guns may contain non lethal tranquilizer rounds capable of putting the attacker to a state of deep sleep for long enough to capture them alive and arrest them for questioning.
(Point to be noted that in the recent terrorist attacks, the terrorists were seemingly prepared for their own demise and seemed they were all prepared for happily dieing in their missions, hence it will actually be a greater success if they could be captured alive, that will be beating them in their own game)
Other non lethal weapon options can be tear gas, pepper spray, smoke screen, allergy inducing chemistry, stink bombs, stun guns, electric shock inflicting darts, hot water sprays, itching powder, sneezing/coughing powder or a combination of more than two. There may also be guns with fire extinguisher options for emergency cases. 
A special infrared laser guiding system installed around the gun barrel shall help to accurately pin point the target.

Special security officers in a secured place will keep watchful eyes on the monitors. A special yet rather simple to use remote control shall be used to position the gun and zoom in the camera to pin point targets. A special infrared laser invisible to naked eye but visible in the camera monitor will help the operator aim the gun with pin point accuracy. When under attack by terrorists or robbers these, tranquilizer darts will be shot from the hidden guns using the remote controls and the dangerous situations can actually be handled quite easily, safely.

Criminals are known to sabotage cctv cameras, and it could be a big problem if the criminals break the camera and find the guns. Solution is to hide the camera guided guns by disguising them as something none shall suspect.

Having a large visible decoy camera could help distract the criminals while the gun cams can be disguised as something completely different, eg. The frame/stand holding the camera.

With the hidden cameras surrounding the decoy camera, criminals won't have a clue!

 Using the remote controls security officers will be able to control these defence devices with ease and even the most dangerous situations can actually be handled quite easily and safely and may be there won't be any loss of lives at all.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fresh water back up plan

Fresh water backup plan, for hardship times! 
- Dr. Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar, Aakash.
- Khoundkar Latifa Yasmin, B.A.

Even in the 21St century, in the age of information and technology, many places, particularly in the third world countries, there are a lots of places where there is severe water crisis. In countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, many people face serious water crisis every summer. Sometimes because of excessive heat and sometimes because of flooding and sewerage overflow crisis for fresh water rises at different times all over the year.

For the times of need water may be preserved using innovative methods.

In countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, a significant amount of rainfall happens at a particular period of time every year. Again due to heavy rainfalls floods and flash flood occur every year. At that time, a huge amount of fresh usable water is deposited by nature, all of which flows away and is completely wasted. If only some how all that water could be saved for future use then crisis for fresh and pure water could be almost eliminated.

In the picture above, is shown a drainage system consisting of small capillary drains in the city that will collect rain and flood water and carry that water to a water conservation site.
The smallest narrow drains  (yellow) will be laid in the narrow roads and lanes between buildings.
These drains will take the water to larger ditches  (pale green) underground. 

Again these large ditches will take the water to the larger drains / calvert systems (blue green) at the further outside city, running along the main roads.
Eventually the large drains will take the water to canals (blue) at the outskirt the city and the canals will deposit the water in the large water reseve lake (indigo) outside the city.

Not only these will reserve water for future use but also help problem of removing the rain water that floods the cities. 

From these reservations water may be taken and easily purified for drinking.

Again, water from these reserve sites may be pumped into large water tanks at higher than sea level.

Solar power and wind turbines may be used to generate power for these pumps.
Being higher than sea leve water from these tanks will be brought down by gravity and gravity alone will take the water to the city via piping systems. Where water will be supplied to streets via hydrant systems for fire fighting purpose and emergency water supply, and also drinking water supply in parks and streets. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Working opportunity for educated women.

Working opportunity for educated and enable women,
-Khoundkar Latifa Yasmin (B.A.);
-Dr. Aakash SheikhAnwar Ullah Khoundkar;

In the developing countries like Bangladesh and India many women are contributing to the country's financial development. Many women working on many offices and factories. However many enable and educated women are still not getting the chance to prove themselves worthy of contributing to the country. There are many women who are well educated and are interested in joining some work and contributing to the country's development, but cannot do that because of the fear of all the hustles and trouble not to mention harassment women has to face outdoor.

Government and the companies can help women who wishes to contribute by providing eligible work for women who has trouble working outdoors.

Many women staying at home as house wives are actually highly educated and are able to teach school and/or college students. Many of them are educated enough to take exams/tests and evaluate the answer papers. Women who are interested in these works may be connected to specific organisations who shall provide them with opportunities. They can come to schools and colleges and do the duty of exam hall guards. After exams the Organisations providing women work can provide them with the answer papers where they can evaluate the answer papers and thus help the schools and colleges with the examination process.
Women who wishes to work but don't have the experience needed may be given the training necessary by the same organisations. They will provide special home service to train these women at home.
This way educated women can earn some recognitions as educated, aware and valuable citizens of the country.

Many women staying at home as house wives are actually quite talented at various items such as cooking and sewing clothes. Organisations providing opportunities may bring the works to their home and again take their homemade products from their doorsteps.

The organisations shall deliver raw materials to their homes, (e.g. clothes for sewing and vegetables, cereals and meat for cooking) and when their work is done then the homemade products (e.g. clothes and foods prepared at home by house wives) shall be received from their doorsteps by the organisation to be distributed to various markets. In return women can earn some cash. This way their homemade products can even be exported. When my aunt went to London a long time ago and stayed there for her husband's PHD, she saw a similar system there for the house wives.

This way if specialised organisations and government helps housewives do the work of their dreams then women staying indoors can contribute a lot to the country's development and earn their recognitions as assets of the country.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Use human feces for brick and other industries. 

 - Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar Aakash

Many industries all over the world use massive amount of power,  electricity and fuel. Often these fuels come from forests and resources that is also needed for other important things. In third world countries and many other countries industries such as brick and pottery still heavily depends on the woods brought from the forest resulting in heavy deforestation. This again results in environmental pollution due to all the emitted smoke and ashes, also gradual decrease in the numbers of trees.

Aftermathof the forest destruction!

Dust, smoke and ashes being emitted by the factories and brick kilns seriously effecting people's health. Not to mention the amount of trees need to be cut down for their fuels is simply devastating.

It was even questioned that weither these factories should exist or not, but we still need bricks right, so we need alternative solutions.

If this keeps up, the after effects in global scale is disastrous. We are in need of an ulternative fuel to save the forest and fuel and electricity.
Solution, we go to the toilet!

There are an estimated 7.4 billion people living all over the world producing significant amounts of feces every day and struggle to get rid of the daily wastes. Everyone hopes to have a good quality sanitary toilet in their home. But imagine if all that could be made into bio gas for industries then so many trees and so much fuel and electricity could be saved.

The system will something be like this -

The toilet outlet pipes coming from each house will gather into the large underground pipes. These pipes will in turn gather in to specialised underground tunnel. With each flush all the feces will be run down the drain into the tunnel and then the tunnels shall bring all the materials into a huge bio gas plant. These tunnels and drainage systems will be made specially with multiple layered wall to prevent bio hazards.

Simple diagram showing how wasted materials / rain water / human feces can be collected from the city into a large tank outside the city for various purpose, e.g. pure rain water can be collected for drinking water project.

A while ago, I read an article that said that making bio gas with human feces was proposed once, but since that was for cooking the offer was quickly let down as any person would say no to bringing poop gas into the kitchen. But hey that doesn't mean that we can't use that poop gas for other works as burning bricks / sterilisation of tools and instruments.

For edditional bio gas we may bring dung from Dairy and poultry farms,
and maybe even from the zoo,
Large animals in the zoo such as the elephants, Rhinoceros, Hippos, Buffaloes and Giraffes produce tons of dungs each; while the animals living in herds in large numbers such as antelopes, zebras and wild asses will produce huge amount of dung together.

Bet you wish jurassic park was real right now.

Gas maybe needed in smaller amount for smaller industries, in that case 
Specialised compressors will purify and fill up portable cylinders with bio gas to be transported to small factories e.g. for pottery and metal smith works.

Natural gas is used to produce electricity. What if we could use bio gas made from human feces for producing electricity.

Idea of bio gas production from human feces may not be very appealing for cooking, but if that gas can be used for producing electricity then we mayactually solve the electricity problems.

Scientists are working hard day and night to find new and echo friendly fuel for cars and other such subjects. 

What if we even had a car that could run on bio gas. We could save so much on fossil fuels every day.

So if only we could get all the human waste to produce bio gas to be used for producing electricity and for industries requiring lots of fuels e.g. brick kilns. Just imagine how many trees and how much of the environment we may save if we could use bio gas for brick kilns. 

Before finishing a poem on behalf of trees....

   খতম করার আগে, dear মেসো মসাই খতম করার আগে,
আমাদেরকে মারবেন না,
লাকড়ি কেটে জ্বালিয়ে আগুন,
বায়ো গ্যাসে রাঁধুন, বেশি করে খান
আর বেশি করে হাগুন! ...........

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Taxi/Rickshaw retrievers and passenger tracking device,

The Taxi/Rickshaw retrievers and passenger tracking device,

- Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar Aakash;
- Khoundkar Latifa Yasmin;

Finding a taxi or an auto rickshaw can be pretty hard in Bangladesh. Particularly in a country like Bangladesh where people depend exclusively on rickshaw and auto rickshaws to travel , this could be a problem of serious magnitude. Sometimes your just too afraid to get out of the bed because your too afraid you won't find a rickshaw when you're out on the road tomorrow!!!

If a specialised communication and tracking system is developed just for the taxi and auto rickshaw drivers, these problems of finding a rickshaw just might solve.

At first of all, Auto rickshaw and Taxi Stands/Stations will be put within walking distances from each other all over the city, so people may reach them easily.
Here's anexample of the system with the map of Banani , Dhaka.
Red circles show the position of the stations.

On each of these stations there will be a special device,

one of the two device connected to the electronic digital network system with the other one being installed within the taxi/auto rickshaw.
 The station device shall be something like this -
This device will contain a series of buttons with the names of the the stations all over the city.
The passenger shall press the button with the name of the Area that is his destination. For ease of finding there may also be a city map with name, details and distance of the of the destination station and maybe even possible Taxi/Rickshaw fare.
There will also be button withchoice of vehicles, so passengers may summon the vehicle of his choice e.g. taxi/rickshaw or micro bus for rent etc.

When the passengers press the button on the device, it will give signal to all the rickshaw/taxi or rent a car services within close proximity (according to the passenger's choise).
The rickshaw / taxi driver or the rent a car services will get a signal on their version of the device.
The device installed on Taxi/Auto Rickshaw will have lcd maps displaying the location of the passengers waiting for the taxi and also the location of their destination point and a list of the name of the stations around the city. If the Rickshaw/Taxi driver is ready to go there he will press a button similar to a cellphone answer button and consult with the passengers.
Taxi driver may press a button from the list of the names of the stations to see the map of that location for navigation purpose.

Here's an example of a man in West Bengal Howrah in India trying to reach his destination in Balligaunge:-

Passenger needs to go to station near Kasturi restaurant in Balligaunge, so he press the button.

The device installed on Taxi / Auto Rickshaw will give the driver a signal alerting him of the passengers location (at Lake Land club Howrah, in this example). The diver receives the call of passenger and the passenger tells the driver his location and details of his destination(Kasturi restaurant Balligaunge, in this example). The driver analyses the digital map learns about his would be passenger and the route (eg. Passenger'slocation at Lake Land Club Howrah and his destination at Kasturi restaurant in Anil Maitra road at Balligaunge will be highlighted on the digital maps).

Taxi / Auto Rickshaw driver then confirm to the passengers that he will take them to there.

Light mobile apps that will run on all smart phones may also be launched that connects to the system online. For android and also java users may use these apps to call rickshaws prior to their journey.

This app shall allow people to choose his destination and vehicle of choice, a message will be sent to the taxi driver, and if any driver is ready to take him they will be able to call him using the device installed on Taxi / Auto Rickshaw and inform the passengers.

If such a device and a mobile app is made, people'slives would be so much easier, and there won't be any more problems getting around the city!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hanging Carts as public transport to relieve pressure from on the traffic

Hanging Carts as public transport to relieve pressure from on the traffic 
- Khoundkar Latifa Yasmin 
- Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar Aakash

In the developing countries like Bangladesh, India etc etc. traffic jam can be a serious problem for the people. Social, religious and political programmes being held in the streets and construction works in the streets adds up extra trouble.

Heavy traffic jams in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Picture shows large number of busses including official ones stuck in very heavy (seemingly impossible to come out of) traffic, costing people their valuable work time and also oil and gas being wasted in large quantities every day by each vehicle stuck in the traffic.

Haphazard driving in zigzag patterns usually causes most of the traffic jams.

Constitution machine and materials blocking up over 80% of the width of the road, seriously causing hardship for the people.

An ambulance carrying emergency patientto the hospital, stuck in traffic.

Sometimes you just wish some super hero in a flying robot armour would come down and give you a lift and save the day. ... seriously!

If only there was a way to get around this, so much work time and fuel could be saved. What if we could go over it then??

Hanging Carts going over the main roads serving as new public transport may relieve the traffic problem to some extent.
Large tall pillars with strong foundation reinforced with steel tendons will be made to hold up the tracks. Large steel alloy pipes may be used as hanging tracks just like roller coasters. 

These pipes will be held fastened with strong with bridge engineering and held with arches and steel tendons. This may reduce the traffic jams as construction of train bridge/hanging cart tracks may take less than constructing an entire bridge. As the rail bridge parts may be construed else where and pieces can be just brought and assembled at the site.
Also building pillars and assembling parts constructed elsewhere would block less space on the road during construction works.

Ultra light materials such as aluminium alloys, carbon fibre and fibre glass materials would be used to construct the Carts so they maybe light enough to safety travel over the rail tracks of the bridge. The entire vehicle system shall be like a combination of that of a roller coaster seen in the amusement park and cable carts in tourist spots.

There will be pillars at regular intervals. They will be as close to each other as possible for safety reasons. There will be as many pillars as possible. And there will be strong platforms as a safety precaution.

There will be bus stops at regular intervals so people may get on and off where they need. People will come and wait under the overpass at the bus stop and wait for the bus. A ticket collector shall be present at the station to help them get on the bus. When the bus arives, people will climb up the stairs and get to the platform from where they'll get on the bus/cart.

There willbe two lanes side by side, for the carts/buses to be going the opposite ways.

These vehicle system shall be created over the most important and most used routes, over highways and main roads.