Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fresh water back up plan

Fresh water backup plan, for hardship times! 
- Dr. Sheikh Anwar Ullah Khoundkar, Aakash.
- Khoundkar Latifa Yasmin, B.A.

Even in the 21St century, in the age of information and technology, many places, particularly in the third world countries, there are a lots of places where there is severe water crisis. In countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, many people face serious water crisis every summer. Sometimes because of excessive heat and sometimes because of flooding and sewerage overflow crisis for fresh water rises at different times all over the year.

For the times of need water may be preserved using innovative methods.

In countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, a significant amount of rainfall happens at a particular period of time every year. Again due to heavy rainfalls floods and flash flood occur every year. At that time, a huge amount of fresh usable water is deposited by nature, all of which flows away and is completely wasted. If only some how all that water could be saved for future use then crisis for fresh and pure water could be almost eliminated.

In the picture above, is shown a drainage system consisting of small capillary drains in the city that will collect rain and flood water and carry that water to a water conservation site.
The smallest narrow drains  (yellow) will be laid in the narrow roads and lanes between buildings.
These drains will take the water to larger ditches  (pale green) underground. 

Again these large ditches will take the water to the larger drains / calvert systems (blue green) at the further outside city, running along the main roads.
Eventually the large drains will take the water to canals (blue) at the outskirt the city and the canals will deposit the water in the large water reseve lake (indigo) outside the city.

Not only these will reserve water for future use but also help problem of removing the rain water that floods the cities. 

From these reservations water may be taken and easily purified for drinking.

Again, water from these reserve sites may be pumped into large water tanks at higher than sea level.

Solar power and wind turbines may be used to generate power for these pumps.
Being higher than sea leve water from these tanks will be brought down by gravity and gravity alone will take the water to the city via piping systems. Where water will be supplied to streets via hydrant systems for fire fighting purpose and emergency water supply, and also drinking water supply in parks and streets. 

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